Sun Protection
Sunscreen and Other Options

Can anyone relate to just tanning on the beach or laying on a blanket on the grass in a park, lathered in baby oil, to get that perfect tan?
Or was that just me? Even though I have to admit I never did the baby oil thing, I did lay at the beach with no sunblock and managed to get second degree burns at the age of 14.
Now I’m older and wiser (sometimes) and know the importance of sunblock/sunscreen. Although I admit I sometimes ignore this knowledge while out on my daily runs or when I go for a hike.
When I am climbing mountains, I am extra careful to put on sunscreen. My favourite sunscreens are Surf Mud and Vichy SPF 60 (roll-on). The Vichy roll-on is easy to apply even with thick gloves, and it fits in my jacket pocket or backpack. It’s also easy to apply in the cold mornings when the temperature is well below freezing. Surf Mud is easier to apply once the sun has warmed my tent.
Now Surf Mud, is pure zinc. I love it because it’s natural and has a tint to it. It’s like wearing a touch of make-up, and even though it was created for Australian surf bodies, it works amazing in harsh high-altitude environments, where sun, snow and wind can give you a severe sunburn. The other reason I like Surf Mud is because the only active ingredient is Zinc Oxide, which has a long history of sun protection.
Why is a Sunscreen Important?
We need to protect our body’s largest organ – our skin. Skin acts as a waterproof insulating shield, safeguarding our body against extremes of temperature, damaging sunlight, and harmful chemicals. Our skin releases antibacterial substances that help prevent infection and is a natural pharma facility for vitamin D, which is essential to convert calcium for our bones. And of course, our skin has sensors, or shall we say, nerves for keeping our brain in touch with the outside world.
Our skin also absorbs toxins. These toxins can enter our blood and even find their way into our organs. As a result, the safety of sunscreens has come under scrutiny the last few years and is the subject of much debate (which we won’t be delving into here).
Additional Options for Sun Protection
If you prefer other options to protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun or want to boost your protection, I recommend wearing a hat, something with a rim like a baseball cap. You should also wear sunglasses to project your eyes. Another option is a sun hoodie, which can provide SPF 50 like protection. Not bad for a shirt!
Did you know Nature High has a perfect and stylish sun hoodie available (also sometimes included in our hiking package price)? Reach out for more information.
Given the important role our skin plays in our health and well-being, we believe some form of sun protection is necessary to safeguard ourselves from sunburn and the harmful effects of the sun.